"Consciousness is Self” - Shiva Sutras
What is the Self and how can we create embodied fluency with it? This is the nexus point of human inquiry shared by ancient tantric sages, philosophers, and modern psychologists. From tantric sutras to philosophical treatises and from Rumi to Freud, the invitation to recognize, anchor, and achieve mastery of Self drives the conversation of each of these ruminations towards achieving our own wellbeing and in some cases, actualization or enlightenment.
But, how do we do it? The experience of our own embodied Self as an individual organism in a universal body is only truly experienced through felt experience. Words that are tantalizing placeholders for the promised experience of a resourced Self include: freedom, fullness, creativity, groundedness, and agency. But how do we get there?
This is the intention in creating this ongoing laboratory: to facilitate a fertile ground for knowing ourselves.
I want us to unpack, nurture, and become ever more fluent in the living vibrancy of our authentic selves.
In love,
Practices for Nurturing your Authentic Self - a somatic masterclass
This 2,5 hours masterclass is meant to support you in finding innumerable portals into the space of Self. To make the core Self a tangible, tactile landscape so that we put the instrument of our body/mind in the fold of knowable but unnamable source material.
We will use somatic inquiries, movements, and other tools for nurturing and growing the part of us that enjoins us all, and is always already available. In this class we will sequence through meditations to land inside of source, find ways to anchor the feeling inside our bodies and play with tools to transmute coiled energy into action fuel.
This is a Zoom recording of the masterclass offered on October 17th, 2021.
This class has an optional playlist. For the best experience, you will need a Spotify Account.
You will receive an email with access instructions. Due to the digital nature of this product, all sales are final.
COMING HOME TO SELF - audio journeys
This Series of practices is designed to help you contact the felt sense of Core Self. Both in closed-eyed meditative space and in the open-eyed interactive field of the outer environment. In stillness and movement. The intention is to create an anchoring practice for a sense of Self energy that forms a repeatable technology to summon whenever possible. Included are 4 audio practices as well as, playlist recommendations and a written companion to help you to get the most out of this journey:
Discover the felt Sense of Self (10-min seated meditation)
Embodying Self (10-min standing movement practice)
Dive into the Inner Sea of You (20-min seated meditation practice)
Dancing in the Sensorial field of the Self (20-min somatic movement practice)
Some of the practices have an optional playlist. For the best experience, you will need a Spotify Account.
Audio Practices.
You will receive an email with download instructions. Due to the digital nature of this product, all sales are final.
Audio Practices plus video Masterclass “Practices for Nurturing your Authentic Self”
You will receive an email with download instructions. Due to the digital nature of this product, all sales are final.
THE FLUID CREATIVE SELF - audio journeys
The intention of this journey is to create practices for sourcing source energy and its naturally creative expressive pulse. Two meditation practices and two movement practices are designed to give you moments of pause, reset and renew in order to channel the potential of source energy. These practices are recommended in tandem with journal and music and are intended to be used regularly to help create an easy “flipping of a switch” into the river of creative output. Included are 4 audio practices as well as, playlist recommendations and a written companion to help you to get the most out of this journey:
Tap into the Creative Self (10-min seated meditation practice)
Opening the Creative Channel (10-min standing movement practice)
Widen the Creative Channel between earth and sky ( 20-min seated meditation )
Creative Upsurge (20-min somatic movement practice)
Some of the practices have an optional playlist. For the best experience, you will need a Spotify Account.
Audio Practices
You will receive an email with access instructions. Due to the digital nature of this product, all sales are final.
Audio Practices plus video Masterclass “Practices for Nurturing your Authentic Self”
You will receive an email with download instructions. Due to the digital nature of this product, all sales are final.